Saturday, April 28, 2012


Covers Playlist

Have I mentioned that I love cover songs?  Well, I do.  Here's a Spotify covers playlist I've been maintaining.  Some of my favorites aren't available on Spotify, like Chromatics' "Into the Black," but there's still quite a bit there.

I've loved some of these for a while.  Friends introduced me to others.  Still others were turned up doing one of my "xxxband covers" searches.  Yes, I do those.

This can also serve as an experiment at using the new player Spotify recently came out with in their effort to achieve complete Internet music domination.  I'm pretty sure it's only going to work if you've got Spotify installed.  If you're on a smartphone, you may need the premium ($) app.  Just testing this here.  Not shilling for Spotify.  So enjoy if you're able.


  1. Love the education inherent in this mix! And thank you :)
