Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Frontier(s), White Lights, 2014

EP Review

I just hope they made shirts in, ahem, my size.

Seems as though 2014 has been a revival of sorts. Some of you may have heard about it. I've seen some shows this year that have dabbled in a sound reminiscent of the indie rock of the mid-90s. Some good, others... not so much. I still dabble in the mid-90s myself from time to time. Ah, who am I kidding? I love me some mid-90s goodness.

The gentlemen of Frontier(s) are back. Well, not that far back. Their last full length, There Will Be No Miracles Here, was released in 2010. Frontier(s) are Chris Higdon (guitar and vocals), Matt Wieder (guitar), Bryan Todd (bass) and Nick Stinnett (drums). These are some names you should recognize as they are firmly rooted in the punk and hardcore histories of such Midwest bands as Falling Forward, The Enkindels, and Elliott. This is some serious Louisville stuff here. And let's not forget the NJHC pride of Mouthpiece.

Look. It's hard not to reference Chris Higdon's previous bands. His voice, it's, it's just one of a kind. As Elliott evolved, they experimented with electronics; and, by the time their swan song False Cathedrals came along, I felt they were exploring Radiohead-esque territories in search of their future. Here, Frontier(s) return to brute force rock and roll. There is a fierceness, an anger that storms through this EP. The guitars are front and center. Frontier(s) have not mellowed.

“Higher Hills” opens with the pedal to the floor and a rousing chorus that commands you to wipe those tears away and pull yourself up for your final go. “33/3” continues the theme as we teeter at the end of days. Straight out rockers. “Our March” bridges the gap between past and present, eyes closed, head bobbing in time, piecing together lyrics on my repeated listens. “The Low High” returns and I feel raw as we repeat the lyrics “I turn to love, I turned too late, I turn to love, without fearing." The EP closes with “Bare Hands." We've built up to this track, and I'm in. So in. My favorite. Everything turned up, and I want to follow them into battle. There's a bunch of stuff on the floor now. I got carried away.

There's only one problem: I'm left wanting more.

The White Lights EP will be out on Tiny Engines on August 5th.

Frontier(s) are on the road. Plan accordingly. You won't get these opportunities often.

8/12 - Louisville, KY @ The Cure Lounge
8/13 - Lancaster, PA @ The Seed
8/14 - Philadelphia, PA @ Boot & Saddle
8/15 - Brooklyn, NY @ St. Vitus
8/16 - Garwood, NJ @ Crossroads
8/17 - Washington, DC @ DC9

In short. Buy this. See them. Thank me later. I'll be present for at least one show, maybe more if I can swing it. I don't know when I'll get this chance again.

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