Sunday, February 3, 2013

My Bloody Valentine Released mbv Last Night

And Broke the Internet

They broke the Internet for those My Bloody Valentine fans who flocked to the newly-launched upon the announcement of the album's release, that is.  For everyone else,  -- like the many millions of fans who go to, say, Taylor Swift's official website every day of the year -- the Internet worked just fine.

I wrote some initial thoughts on this for Speak Into My Good Eye this morning, and I've been listening to the album on and off all day long.  My quick review:  if you are a My Bloody Valentine fan like me, you'll probably love the record.

It isn't going to be the historic and influential (for a certain segment of the population, anyway) album that Loveless was; but this is 2013, after all.  On mbv, though, Kevin Shields and company show that, even after twenty-plus years filled with countless bands influenced by Loveless, My Bloody Valentine themselves still have some interesting places to take their sound.

You can stream mbv via the band's official Youtube channel, and decide for yourself if February 3rd, 2013 should be dubbed "My Super Bloody Valentine Bowl Sunday."  Enjoy the album.  And the game.

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