Friday, December 9, 2016

The 2016 Asbury Music Awards

Scott Stamper of The Saint (Top Music Venue, Small), one of the organizers and behind the scenes faces of the Asbury Music Awards

Thanks and Congrats!

OK. I'm not sure how detailed I can be in this post. I was half working / half hanging around with friends last night, but here are a few notes.

Host and Top Comedian, Taylor Allen
Corrina, Corrina kicked things off. It was cool to see them play, which I haven't in quite some time, and then take home the "Top Young Band" award again. I had to tell them, though, that when they turn 40 next year, they'll no longer be eligible. Sad.

Corrina, Corrina
There were several other memorable performances. The Vansaders (Top Punk Band) played without a pause during their set and managed to fit 7 or 8 songs into the 20 minute slot. Seaside Caves, who I don't get to see enough, blew me away. Again. Paul Ritchie of gods expressed a little nervousness about their set early in the evening, but the band won over the crowd quickly and also took home several awards (don't forget to check them out this Sunday at The Saint when Little Dickman Records and CoolDad Music bring you The Blind Shake, gods, and Psychiatric Metaphors for just $5!). The sound and production were on point all night, and every set -- Waiting On Mongo, Frank Lombardi, Colossal Street Jam, Shady Street Show Band, Daughter Vision, Cranston Dean Band, Predator Dub Assassins, whoever I'm forgetting -- looked and sounded amazing.

The Vansaders

Shady Street Show Band
Daughter Vision
Our good buddy, Gentleman Jim Norton, won for Top Production / Lighting for his work over at House of Independents and kept his remarks very short in the interest of keeping the show running on time. Always working.

Jeff Crespi took home the Top Photographer award for the fourth year running. He made another heartfelt speech about how meaningful it's been for him to be accepted as an active participant in the Asbury Park music community. I can identify.

Christine Feola of House of Independents and Dark City Entertainment gave a sort of "State of the Scene" address, concluding with "There are a LOT of fucking bands in this town." And that is one of the truly amazing things about Asbury Park and its surrounding areas. There are literally 100s of bands in all genres -- some, admittedly, that get more recognition from "the scene" than others -- working, creating, and playing.

Christine Feola
That's something special about our area. It's easy to get jaded and take it for granted. But, in how many other places outside the big cities of this country can you say, "I feel like seeing some music" on a Monday or Wednesday night and just be able to do it?

Congratulations to all the nominees and winners and to everyone who made and supported music in 2016.

Finally, I'd like to say thank you to Asbury Park, The Asbury Music Awards, and everyone who voted for the three awards that CoolDad Music took home last night: Top Website, Top Publication, and Top Journalist for me. I've said this before, but I do appreciate every second that anyone chooses to spend on this site. I don't do it for awards or recognition, but I'd be remiss if I didn't say that it was a nice shot in the arm for those times when I wonder what the hell I'm doing. Thank you again for all of the support and for all of the inspiration.

I'm assuming that Asbury Music Awards will post a complete list of winners shortly. You can check the CoolDad Music Flickr galleries for the pictures I took when I remembered to take pictures.

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