Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Show Preview: The Everymen, Tour Kickoff w/ Those Mockingbirds, The Sound Is Fine, Gay Guy / Straight Guy. Tonight, 6/4/14.

The Everymen's last appearance at The Saint was an absolute blast.

Givin' Up On Home Life

In his review of The Everymen's second full-length, Givin' Up On Free Jazz, our own Scotch LaRock said:

"I can see a night where my boardwalk stroll leads me into a night spot where the horn section is hot and Mike V and Catherine trade lead vocals. There's a crowd and everyone has their dancing shoes on. I sip a cold beer and make my way onto the dance floor. Yeah, I can see it."

That night is tonight.

The Everymen kick off their mega summer tour in support of the new record tonight with a return to The Saint. It's an all-New Jersey night of rock 'n roll on the Jersey Shore as Those Mockingbirds (whose first full-length, Penny The Dreadful, is due next month), The Sound Is Fine, and Asbury's Gay Guy / Straight Guy will be helping to send our good friends out on their trip from sea to shining sea.

So get your Wednesday night dancing shoes on and come out to sip a cold one with me and wish The Everymen Godspeed.


  1. I've been wanting to make it down to The Saint for years now. Is there any way they can move it closer to Hoboken? I'll meet them in the middle.

    1. Gonna be a good night. If you make it down, I'll buy you a beer and a Korean taco.
