Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Pics of Dollys at The Wonder Bar, 8/11/14

Happy Monday

I was going to use this post to say something about all the feelings I found myself having as last night progressed and how much they surprised me. Rather than get into all that, I'll just let you know how much I like Dollys. They're doing something that we really don't see that much of here on the Shore. Dollys don't do hard rock, punk, folk, prog, folk-punk-prog or any of that. They bring the harmonies and the hooks of pure indie pop.

I've seen Dollys a number of times now; and, each time, they've impressed me with their energy and just their expertise with the roughly 3-minute pop song. Also, their "dadliest jokes."

They've got an Indiegogo campaign going to fund the release of their upcoming LP through pre-orders. Dollys have less than a week left to make their goal. You should head over to the campaign page and think about maybe helping them get Oh Please! out into the world.

Trust me when I tell you that there is power in pop. And sometimes it's just what you need.

Here are some pics from Dollys' set last night. The rest are at Flickr. There were also great sets from Climbing the Walls and The Creeptones. I'll get those up sometime after my meetings today.

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